Here’s our performance guarantee:
If your MetaClinic ever falls short of the agreed upon goals established when you joined the MetaClinic network, we will return a percentage of the management fees you pay us.
It’s that simple.
When we set up your MetaClinic, you tell us what you’re expecting:
• You expect to improve employee morale
• You expect to improve recruiting and retention opportunities
• You expect to reduce the cost of basic doctor’s office visits
• You expect employees to understand and use the services of the MetaClinic
• You expect to improve the health and lifestyles of your employees
Whatever you expect, your MetaClinic can be structured to deliver.
How the MetaClinic Performance Guarantee works:
1. We take a percentage of the monthly management fee you pay us and set it aside each month.
2. Together, we set goals in the areas that interest you the most – whether they be operational, financial, or improvements to your member’s health as measured by an independent third party.
3. We establish a regular schedule for performance measurements.
4. If we fall short on any agreed upon goal, the set aside fees are credited back to you.
Why are we so adamant about offering meaningful guarantees for the MetaClinic’s performance?
Because our years of experience tell us they work.
The STRAIGHT SCOOP on our Performance Guarantee
We can meet almost any goal you desire, and love working to do just that. Our years of experience with managing employer populations, and our ability to know what your company’s biggest health care issues are, ensure that we have the capability to help you establish meaningful and achievable goals. As we report our progress to you, together we revisit and reset goals to ensure you see constant improvement and relevant results.